Yes, we are currently open.
A. For recreational gymnastics classes, children can wear either shorts and a T-Shirt (something tight fitting so it will not slide over your child’s head if they go upside down), or a gymnastics leotard. We have gymnastics leotards available for purchase at the office. Bare feet in the gym is required for safety reasons. Hair should be pulled back and no jewelry should be worn.
For recreational cheerleading classes, shorts and a T-shirt or workout clothes may be worn. The coach may require socks and indoor running shoes for tumbling and stunting purposes.
Athletes should bring a water bottle, and for those who have long hair, a hair tie is required.
At LGA, we group our recreational athletes by age and not by skill. All of our coaches are trained to work with each athlete at their own level and all athletes will be challenged no matter where they are placed. We want to ensure that every child feels both challenged and comfortable in every class that they participate in.
Please read our class descriptions, or reach out to our recreational program director by emailing [email protected] for more information.
A. Our Advanced recreational gymnastics classes are designed for athletes who have mastered certain CanGym badge level requirements. These classes provide an additional challenge and longer time length for athletes who have achieved the required badge levels in their age bracket. A breakdown of these requirements is as follows:
Advanced Kindergym – Only by coach recommendation
Junior Advanced – Must have Badge 3 (TAN)
Intermediate Advanced – must have Badge 4 (BRONZE)
Senior Advanced – Must have Badge 5 (PURPLE)
If you wish to place your child in an advanced class they first need to receive the prerequisite badge. If you register your child for an advanced class without the prerequisite badges, the registration will be void and you may risk losing a spot for your child.
You can register through our website if you are a new member. If you are a current member at LGA, please register through your parent portal.
By updating your banking information through the online portal, we will then charge your account for the amount owed.
Full payment for classes is due at the time of registration to secure your spot in the class. We gladly accept payment by cash, Debit, MasterCard or Visa. For those who register online, fees will be processed through your portal once they have been reviewed. To view your transaction history with us, please log in to your online customer portal.
When you register for a class, you are signing up for an entire session. By doing so, you are taking a spot in a class and are therefore responsible for that spot for the full session.
If a family/athlete withdraws from a class once the session has started, the class fee is non-refundable.
If LGA is forced to close for reasons beyond our control (ie. pandemic), then LGA will make a decision to either delay the session or issue a refund for the classes that were missed. This decision will be at the sole discretion of the owners of LGA.
Full payment is due at registration. The fees will be processed once the registration has been reviewed. This is normally done within 48 hours of receiving the registration.
If you discontinue at any time, for any medical reason, a doctor’s note is required.
All refunds will be assessed a $30 administration fee.
If a child is required to isolate (due to Covid exposure), no make up classes or refunds will be offered.
There may be an administrative fee of $30 for an NSF/declined payment and/or your athlete will be removed from the class.
Classes may be cancelled, changed or rescheduled, based on registration numbers, prior to the class starting, at the sole discretion of the Program Director.
Classes cancelled due to inclement weather will not be rescheduled.
Makeup classes are NOT available due to coach/athlete class ratios.
We certainly do! The first sibling receives a $15.00 discount, the second a $20.00 discount, the third a $30.00 discount, etc. Sibling discounts are offered for recreational classes and full week march break/summer camp registrations only (not competitive programs or PA Day Camps).
A session at LGA is the term that our recreational classes run for.
The cost of the session depends on how many weeks the session runs for.
We do not offer makeup classes for any sessions. If you have any concerns, please speak directly with the program director.
Unfortunately, due to insurance and liability issues, we do not offer trial or drop-in classes. Each athlete that enters our gym is required to pay a yearly Gymnastics Ontario Fee, for insurance and liability reasons, along with their registration. Without having paid this yearly fee, children are not allowed to enter the gym in case of an injury or accident.
We no longer offer flex scheduling.
We offer a limited amount of private lessons. Please email us at [email protected] for further information and to inquire about availability.
We rarely cancel classes, but in the event that this needs to happen, we will send updates and notices via email. Please note: we are unable to schedule make up classes for those that are cancelled due to inclement weather.
We will do our best to accommodate you, however, there is no guarantee as staffing decisions are based on scheduling.
Tryouts are held at the end of May/beginning of June every year. Dates and times will be posted on the website once they are finalized.
For more information, please email [email protected].